What is .zshrc File on Mac: A Comprehensive Guide

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Written By Jam radar

Jam Radar specializes in delivering astute tech reviews, comprehensive guides, and precise troubleshooting solutions.

what is .zshrc file on mac

What is .zshrc File on Mac?

The .zshrc file is a configuration file used by the Zsh shell, which is the default shell in macOS since Catalina. The Zsh shell is a command-line interface that allows users to interact with the operating system and run various commands. The .zshrc file allows users to customize the behavior and appearance of the Zsh shell, such as setting aliases, changing prompts, loading plugins, and more.

In this article, we will explain what the .zshrc file is, where it is located, how to create and edit it, and what are some common settings and customizations that you can apply to it. We will also answer some frequently asked questions about the .zshrc file on Mac.

Where is .zshrc File on Mac?

The .zshrc file is typically located in the user’s home directory, represented by the “~” symbol in the terminal. To find the .zshrc file, you can open a terminal window and enter the following command:

ls -a ~

This will list all the files and folders in your home directory, including the hidden ones that start with a dot. If you see a file named .zshrc, then you have found it. If you don’t see it, then it means that you don’t have one yet.

How to Create and Edit the .zshrc File on Mac?

The .zshrc file does not exist by default on Mac, so you need to create it manually if you want to use it. There are several ways to create and edit the .zshrc file on Mac, but we will show you two of the most common ones: using a text editor or using the touch command.

Using a Text Editor

A text editor is a program that allows you to create and modify text files. There are many text editors available for Mac, such as TextEdit, Atom, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code, etc. You can use any text editor that you prefer, but make sure that it can save files in plain text format.

To create and edit the .zshrc file using a text editor, follow these steps:

  1. Open your text editor of choice and create a new file.
  2. Save the file as .zshrc in your home directory. You may need to enable the option to show hidden files or add a dot before the file name.
  3. Add any settings or customizations that you want to apply to your Zsh shell. You can find some examples in the next section of this article.
  4. Save and close the file.

Using the Touch Command

The touch command is a terminal command that allows you to create or update files without opening them. You can use this command to quickly create an empty .zshrc file in your home directory.

To create the .zshrc file using the touch command, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal window and enter the following command:

touch ~/.zshrc

This will create an empty .zshrc file in your home directory.

  1. To edit the file, you can use any text editor that you like, or you can use another terminal command called nano. Nano is a simple text editor that runs in the terminal. To open the .zshrc file with nano, enter the following command:

nano ~/.zshrc

This will open the .zshrc file in nano.

  1. Add any settings or customizations that you want to apply to your Zsh shell. You can find some examples in the next section of this article.
  2. To save and exit nano, press Ctrl + X, then press Y, then press Enter.

What are Some Common Settings and Customizations for the .zshrc File on Mac?

The .zshrc file allows you to customize various aspects of your Zsh shell, such as setting aliases, changing prompts, loading plugins, and more. Here are some common settings and customizations that you can add to your .zshrc file on Mac:

Setting Aliases

Aliases are shortcuts that allow you to execute commands with fewer keystrokes. For example, instead of typing ls -al every time you want to list all files and folders in a directory, you can create an alias called la that does the same thing.

To create an alias in your .zshrc file, use the following syntax:

alias name=’command’

Replace the name with the name of your alias and command with the command that you want to execute.

For example, to create an alias called la that lists all files and folders in a directory, add this line to your .zshrc file:

alias la=’ls -al’

You can create as many aliases as you want, but make sure that they don’t conflict with existing commands or keywords.

Changing Prompts

Prompts are the symbols or texts that appear at the beginning of each line in the terminal. They usually indicate the user name, the host name, the current directory, and other information. You can change the appearance and content of your prompts by modifying the PROMPT variable in your .zshrc file.

The PROMPT variable can contain various elements that represent different information, such as:

  • %n: The user name
  • %m: The host name
  • %~: The current directory
  • %#: A # symbol for the root user or a % symbol for other users
  • %T: The current time
  • %!: The history number of the current command
  • %?: The exit status of the last command
  • %F{color}: The foreground color
  • %B: The bold attribute
  • %b: The end of the bold attribute
  • %U: The underline attribute
  • %u: The end of the underline attribute

You can combine these elements in any order and format that you like. For example, to set your prompt to show your user name, host name, current directory, and time in different colors and attributes, add this line to your .zshrc file:

PROMPT=’%F{green}%n@%m%f %F{blue}%~%f %F{yellow}%T%f %# ‘

This will result in a prompt like this:

You can find more information and examples about prompts in the Zsh documentation.

Loading Plugins

Plugins are extensions that add extra features and functionality to your Zsh shell. For example, some plugins can provide auto-completion, syntax highlighting, command correction, history search, and more.

To load plugins in your .zshrc file, you need to use a plugin manager, such as Oh My ZshAntigen, [Zplug], etc. A plugin manager is a tool that helps you install and manage plugins easily.

For example, to use Oh My Zsh as your plugin manager, follow these steps:

  1. Install Oh My Zsh by entering this command in your terminal:

sh -c “$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh/master/tools/install.sh)”

This will download and run a script that will install Oh My Zsh and create a .zshrc file for you.

  1. Open your .zshrc file with a text editor or nano and find the line that says:


This line indicates which plugins you want to load. By default, only the git plugin is loaded.

  1. Add any plugins that you want to use from the [Oh My Zsh plugins list]. For example, to add the zsh-autosuggestions and zsh-syntax-highlighting plugins, change the line to:

plugins=(git zsh-autosuggestions zsh-syntax-highlighting)

  1. Save and close the file.

You can find more information and examples about plugins in the [Oh My Zsh documentation].

How to Apply Changes to the .zshrc File on Mac?

After you create or edit your .zshrc file on Mac, you need to apply the changes to your Zsh shell. There are two ways to do this: reloading the file or restarting the terminal.

Reloading the File

Reloading the file is a quick way to apply the changes without closing your terminal window. To reload your .zshrc file, enter this command in your terminal:

source ~/.zshrc

This will execute the commands in your .zshrc file and update your Zsh shell accordingly.

Restarting the Terminal

Restarting the terminal is another way to apply the changes, but it will close your current terminal window and open a new one. To restart your terminal, follow these steps:

  1. Quit your terminal application by clicking on the red button at the top left corner of the window or by pressing Cmd + Q.
  2. Open your terminal application again by clicking on its icon in the Dock or by pressing Cmd + Space and typing Terminal.
  3. A new terminal window will open with your updated Zsh shell.

What is the Difference Between .zshrc and .zprofile?

The .zprofile file is another configuration file used by the Zsh shell, but it is executed only once when you log in to your system or open a login shell. The .zprofile file is usually used for setting environment variables, such

Can I use the .zshrc file to change my default shell on macOS?

Yes, you can change your default shell using the chsh command. However, make sure you understand the implications, as it can affect system stability.

Are there any pre-configured Zsh frameworks available for beginners?

Yes, tools like Oh My Zsh and Prezto provide pre-configured Zsh frameworks with themes, plugins, and aliases to simplify customization for beginners.


The .zshrc file is a valuable tool for Mac users who want to customize their shell environment. By understanding its purpose and following best practices, you can create a more efficient and personalized computing experience on your Mac. Embrace the power of Zsh, and unlock a world of possibilities through your .zshrc file.

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